Dryers brands

Nowadays, we can’t imagine our life without dryers, washers or any other appliances. When the time comes to buy a new dryer, we always want to get the most reliable and efficient dryer for reasonable price. You need to know what dryer do you want, gas or electric? If you are replacing a dryer, it is easiest to simply get the same type based on whatever utility is in your laundry room. Gas dryers require a gas line hook-up while electric dryers require a 208Volts connection. If you are remodeling and running new lines anyway, you may want to make a switch. Gas dryers are more expensive to purchase up front but usually cost less to run over time than electric dryers do.


Here is the list of the best dryers on the market:

Best on quality and price: WHIRLPOOL, AMANA and ELECTROLUX dryers

Best on capacity (big families): MAYTAG dryer, it’s up to 8.8 cu. ft.

High End/Luxury choice: LG electric steam dryer and MIELE dryer with Heat-Pump (WiFi connection)

Easy to use:  Most of GE dryers

Most popular: Samsung and LG dryers


Samsung and LG brands are very popular on the market and often offer a great price on the units, but their service has struggled to keep up with all service requests. These two brands are getting better every year as far as quality and reliability

According to a few appliance stores, here is the best models of dryers:WED7500GC Dryer Whirlpool

  1. Whirlpool WED7500GC
  2. Maytag MED6630HC
  3. Electrolux EFME627UTT
  4. Samsung DVE45R6100C
  5. LG DLEX9000V
  6. Maytag Bravos XL MEDB835DW
  7. LG DLEX3700W
  8. LG DLEX3900W
  9. Electrolux EFME527UTT
  10. Maytag MEDC465HW


We hope that this article will help you to make a right decision.


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if you will have any dryer’s issues, check this page


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