Refrigerator defrost drain problems - Refrigerator Repair Tips

Refrigerator defrost drain problems
  1. Clogged or freezing defrost drain
    If you are experiencing defrost drain issues, it is possibly due to a clogged or freezing drain that is blocking water flow to the bottom of the freezer. This will cause the defrost water to drain and drip down to the bottom of the freezer section. To correct this issue, thaw any ice or remove debris that could be causing the clogged drain or replace the drain heater.
  2. Drain heater
    If you are experiencing defrost drain problems, inspect the defrost drain heater. A dislocated or burnt out drain heater will result in the drain tube freezing over. Attempt to return the part to the designated position or replace the damaged part to correct the issue.

If you will need a professional help from one of our technicians, please give us a call at (404)903-1453 for any of your appliances needs or fill out our 24/7 appointment form

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